Core Values

When we opened our doors in 2016, we chose a Reggio-Emilia inspired approach. Reggio believes that, "The child has a hundred languages, a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways of thinking, of playing, of speaking."
In our classrooms, every child has full rights. We believe that children are creative, capable individuals who each bring their own personality and ways of learning into our school family.
Using this pedagogical lens, we cultivate classrooms that invite children to explore the world around them and interact with one another through art, music, dramatic play, story-telling, and movement.
Art by POTA West Toddler 1 Class
At POTA, Jewish values permeate our classroom and inspire ways to share big ideas with small people. For example, we sing a special song before every meal to teach gratitude for even the small things in life, like our goldfish crackers.
We celebrate and experience Shabbat, as well as Jewish holidays, songs, and values. We emphasize gratitude, kindness, and giving, and care for one another and our planet.​
We are a meat-free and nut free facility to accommodate kosher dietary needs and allergies.

Art by POTA Inman Pre-K Class

We are one family with six homes​, with community as our driving force. We founded POTA to provide connection for families with young children in this area, and we love the bonds that have been formed through our school, including at our local events like petting zoos, playground meetups, and holiday happenings.
We are proud to partner with the Cambridge Office of Early Childhood's Preschool Program and offer our program as part of the preschool lottery and Universal Pre-K option for Cambridge residents, widening the community members we can serve.
Art by POTA Harvard Preschool Class
Conscious Discipline
We support children and families through some of the most formative times of their lives. Fostering healthy relationships and emotional regulation skills is a critical component of what we do.
Conscious Discipline is a neuro-science based lens to understanding emotions - both our own feelings as adults, and those of our children. We believe that all behavior is a form of communication, and we work with our students to develop the skills and habits to navigate their day and connect with others.